As the country struggles to regain its economic footing and millions of jobless Americans anxiously await the opportunity to return to work, so-called experts continue to push for even more aggressive lockdowns. Despite evidence from all sides, the Lockdowns produced more negative results than positive ones, and the media cannot seem to move from their position and onto something more positive. They find it much better to emphasize the negative. No one talks about the suicides, the child, and spousal abuse, the unattended to medical issues, the abortions that continue untempered, the depression, and mental health issues. Yet, doctors and scientists point out these consequences all the time. We are just supposed to accept them as collateral damage. What is in the best interest of the country at this point?
Should we force the country into an ever-deepening depression? Should we become dependent on the government to provide us with the necessities of life because we cannot work under a lockdown? Should we allow hundreds of thousands of businesses to fail, forcing the owners into bankruptcy? Should we let students fall so far behind in their education that they will be dependent on society for their livelihood in the future? All of these things appear to be the agenda of the experts pushing for continued and more aggressive lockdowns.
This leads me to another question I have had for some time. In April, as the country was pushed into lockdown, the ACLU was nowhere to be seen. No voices asked: does the government have the authority to discriminate by determining who is eligible to work and who is not? Can the government force one business to close while another is allowed to operate unhindered? Can the government take away one person's livelihood while not doing the same to another? Isn't this the definition of discrimination? Isn't the ACLU all about protecting the civil liberties of individuals?
"The ACLU dares to create a more perfect union — beyond one person, party, or side. Our mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees." ACLU motto from their website.
Now, as riots continue across the country, the ACLU has stepped forward with an effort to force the elimination of the Department of Homeland Security. This because they disagree with the use of DHS agents in defending federal property. Their motto means nothing.
In my view, there are three things at play here. One, destroy the economy, thereby making it easier to implement policies giving the Federal Government broader powers and control over the people, thus making them dependent on government. A return to a feudal system. Two, cause people to lose faith in the current administration, resulting in the Republican Party losing the Presidency, Senate and House in the upcoming elections. Third, create an environment wherein Democrats will never again lose control of the federal government and move the United States to a socialist, if not totalitarian state. Similar to what exists in China. The left is all about power. And in a totalitarian state, those in power live lavish lifestyles while the rest of the population lives in squalor. Are we prepared for this? Or do we want to End America's Lockdown?