October 20


Government Wants to Regain Control by Reimposing Lockdowns

By jcribbs

October 20, 2023

Lockdown, Lockdowns, Stay at Home

President Biden's declaration, asserting that the pandemic has reached its denouement, seems to have been short lived. Indeed, the plummeting trajectory of case numbers, hospitalizations, and fatalities has been perceptible over the preceding 12 months, if not longer. Nevertheless, amidst this evident decline, a faction persists in advocating for the constriction of our civil liberties.

In regions such as California and New York, as well as other pockets across the nation, educational authorities remain steadfast in their insistence on mandating the wearing of masks among students. Rather than prioritizing the reopening of schools, a preference is exhibited for perpetuating remote learning measures, despite a deluge of reports underscoring the detrimental repercussions of prolonged school closures on students' academic progress. Startling assessments suggest that this generation of students may not regain lost ground until the culmination of their senior year in high school, setting the stage for a prolonged academic setback with repercussions that resonate far into the future.

Even more perplexing is the persistent push to vaccinate children between the ages of six months and five, despite the stark statistical reality that the incidence of cases and fatalities in this demographic remains staggeringly low at less than .01%. The rationale behind this fervent drive appears to be rooted not in the preservation of public health but in the unmistakable undercurrent of indoctrination, a calculated effort to instill unwavering compliance with the directives handed down by the self-proclaimed custodians of society.

The orchestrated narrative finds reinforcement in the omnipresent clout of social media, which fervently advocates for the cause through continued censorship of dissenting voices. Any dissenting discourse encountered within these digital spheres is swiftly tagged with censorious labels and redirects users to curated websites aimed at dispelling what they deem to be misinformation, fostering an echo chamber that stifles the critical appraisal of prevailing narratives.

Moreover, the plight extends even to the realm of the esteemed US military, where a stringent imposition of vaccination mandates has precipitated the ostracization and punitive treatment of exceptional soldiers who exhibit principled resistance. This crackdown has manifested in a multitude of punitive measures, ranging from the denial of promotional opportunities and operational assignments to the exclusion from crucial training exercises. Alarming reports further indicate a palpable decline in the enlistment figures across all branches of the military, a distressing indication of the burgeoning discontent pervading the armed forces. Fortunately, recent judicial review is siding with those who refused vaccination.

Adding to the confounding milieu is the vacillating stance of the CDC, which, despite acknowledging the favorable trajectory of the pandemic, continues to advocate for the adoption of precautionary measures such as mask-wearing, universal vaccination, and booster shots. Unlike President Biden's hasty pronouncement of the pandemic's demise, the CDC remains reticent in offering a definitive denouement, further perpetuating an atmosphere of perpetual apprehension and constraint.

In light of these multifaceted developments, it becomes increasingly apparent that the forces at play, those anointed with the mantle of authority, persist in finding pretexts to curtail our liberties, fostering a climate wherein the specter of perpetual lockdown looms ominously over the American populace.

About the author

I enjoy writing for the internet. I have varied interests but my main interest is current affairs. I like to delve into the backstories and look at the data and the facts. I find it extremely disconcerting when people take news stories at face value without exercising critical thinking to determine if what is being said makes sense or if their are alternative views to be considered. I chose to develop this web site because I found the damage to America getting out of control as politicians and the media preyed upon the fear they had created in the public's mind.

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