July 7


How the Media Reports the COVID-19 Surge in Florida

By jcribbs

July 7, 2020

coronavirus, COVID-19, media

The media is all a buzz with the weekend spike in COVID-19 cases in Florida.  They highlight how Florida has seen a dramatic increase in the daily number of cases and point to the relaxing of lockdown restrictions as the cause.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The Florida Department of Health maintains a database of all COVID-19 cases and tests.  I suggest we take a look at the facts.

Florida Coronavirus Spike

As can be seen from the above table, there have been 203,376 cases.  There is no way the spike over the weekend, more than 30,000 new cases occurred in the most vulnerable demographics (65+ year olds), since the total to date would barely sum to the 30,000.  Mean while this demographic accounts for 85% of all deaths.  These means the spike occurred in the less vulnerable demographics the 15 - 64 year olds.  But this demographic accounts for only 15% of deaths.  Conclusion, while there may have been a spike, it occurred among the least vulnerable demographics.  It is doubtful there will be a huge uptick in the number of deaths, since this demographic has always been more resistant to the virus.  This same demographic, 15 thru 64 year olds, accounts for 70% of all cases.  However, they make up only 47% of hospitalizations.  I suspect other states, that have seen surges in cases, are in a similar situation.

What about testing?  Let's take a look at the numbers for the past two weeks.

Florida Coronavirus Spike

Here we can see the surge beginning July the 1st and dropping back down on the 5th.  However, look at the median age of those being tested, from 33 to 38 years.  Again those in the least vulnerable demographics.  This, of course, depends totally on whether ore not the individuals in this age group are healthy.  Obviously anyone who has been vaping, using drugs, suffers a chronic illness, such as asthma, or juvenile diabetes, or any of a myriad of ailments that exist, they place themselves at even greater risk.

One last comment before moving on.  The stats and reporting shown do not distinguish between those who tested positive for COVID-19 and those who tested positive for the antibodies to COVID-19.  I believe this is an important distinction.  Those testing positive for the virus are currently infected while those testing positive for the antibodies have resolved the virus and are no longer infected.  Yet, both are being reported as new cases.  This is true.  They are new but it distorts the perception of how many are currently carrying around the active virus and may infect others.

These statistics have been known for a long time.  The trend has not shifted.  Why is it the government did not focus efforts on protecting the most vulnerable?  Why did they shut down businesses and deprive people of a livelihood?  Why, when they began opening things back up, did they first open bars and pubs, places where people congregate in crowds, rather than open businesses who interact on a one to one basis with clientele?  Is the alcohol industry so powerful?  Or was it pay back for converting part of their production to making hand sanitizer?  Just questions I have.

So, let's get on with our lives.  Let's reopen our schools.  Let's put people back to work.  Let's encourage our young to take just as much care of themselves as we do the elderly.  Let's End America's Lockdown.

About the author

I enjoy writing for the internet. I have varied interests but my main interest is current affairs. I like to delve into the backstories and look at the data and the facts. I find it extremely disconcerting when people take news stories at face value without exercising critical thinking to determine if what is being said makes sense or if their are alternative views to be considered. I chose to develop this web site because I found the damage to America getting out of control as politicians and the media preyed upon the fear they had created in the public's mind.

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