by  jcribbs   

As the country struggles to regain its economic footing and millions of jobless Americans anxiously await the opportunity to return to work, so-called experts continue to push for even more aggressive lockdowns.  Despite evidence from all sides, the Lockdowns produced more negative results than positive ones, and the media cannot seem to move from their position and onto something more positive.  They find it much better to emphasize the negative.  No one talks about the suicides, the child, and spousal abuse, the unattended to medical issues, the abortions that continue untempered, the depression, and mental health issues.  Yet, doctors and

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​​​​Freedom, Liberty, Lockdown

by  jcribbs   

As many will know from previous posts, I have struggled to understand the push for continuing to have the nation on lockdown. Now there is a renewed push to return the country to lockdown status. What is the motivation behind this push? Most anyone will tell you it is due to the huge increase/spike in new COVID-19 cases. Others will include deaths. While we are seeing huge increases in the number of people testing positive for COVID-19, we do not see the same in numbers of deaths. Rather than go into panic mode and hide our heads in the

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by  jcribbs   

The media is all a buzz with the weekend spike in COVID-19 cases in Florida.  They highlight how Florida has seen a dramatic increase in the daily number of cases and point to the relaxing of lockdown restrictions as the cause.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The Florida Department of Health maintains a database of all COVID-19 cases and tests.  I suggest we take a look at the facts. As can be seen from the above table, there have been 203,376 cases.  There is no way the spike over the weekend, more than 30,000 new cases occurred

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​​​​Freedom, Liberty, Lockdown

by  jcribbs   

One of the big questions in everyone's mind, is "when will schools open?"  "Under what conditions will they open?"  Today a hearing is being held in the Senate, in part to address this issue.  Senator Rand Paul took the panel members to task in his opening remarks when he spoke of the concept of "fatal conceit."   Fatal conceit, as he explains, is when an individual or a small group of individuals, believe they have they only answer to a question, problem or issue.  They believe they are in a better position to provide answers than anyone else.  This

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​​​​Freedom, Liberty, Lockdown

by  jcribbs   

Many in the media and medical professions continue to push for restrictions on our liberties.  They point out the rise in detected cases of the COVID-19 as the reason for their concerns.  States, counties and communities are contemplating renew restrictions that were in place just weeks ago.  They would have us shutdown the economy once more, go back into sheltering, and stay at home.  Or at the very least force everyone who goes out into the public to wear a mask.  Is this warranted based on the evidence? The above graph shows how much testing has increased since May

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