by  jcribbs   

Today we talk about the lockdown and everyone knows we are talking about the Stay at Home Orders and Shelter in Place Orders that have resulted in business closures, forced unemployment, and school closures.  But the lockdown began long before people ever heard of the novel coronavirus.  What am I talking about you may say?  I am talking about the lockdown of our rights, freedoms, and liberties.  For decades politicians have been engaged in a campaign to deny us our freedoms.  Politicians use rhetoric to convince us they have our best interest at heart when they are really only

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​​​​Freedom, Liberty, Lockdown

by  jcribbs   

A few days ago I posted the below on Facebook.  I intended to post it here as well but with the events of this past week focus has been on other events.  The focus of all the news media has shifted from COVID-19, the Lockdown and Re-Opening America to one of the tragic death of George Floyd and the violent protests that have ensued.  Nonetheless, the country remains partially under Lockdown and millions of people are still out of work and suffering the consequences of the devastation to America's economy.  We still need a solution to both problems. Congress

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by  jcribbs   

More and more it is becoming evident the Lockdown, Stay at Home, Shelter in Place orders need to be lifted and America wants to get back to business.  There are demonstrations and protests on a regular basis, op ed articles, and even scientists and doctors coming out saying it is time.  In a recent Fox News Opinion piece Dr. Scott Atlas of the Hoover Institute gave reasons for why there is no need for fear or panic.  He had previously criticized the latest models that have continued to instill fear and have administrations cancelling school even into the fall.

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by  jcribbs   

As States around the country ease Lockdown and Stay at Home Restrictions, there is little reporting of what effect it is having on the statistics of new cases, new hospitalizations and new deaths.  One would think this would be of utmost importance but the media doesn't seem to care.  Instead they continue to push dire warnings of expected spikes in cases and deaths.  According to Conservative Peak, this has not been the case.  Georgia, one of the first states to begin reopening, has not reported any spike in new cases or deaths.  Colorado, another state which has opened quickly,

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by  jcribbs   

I highly recommend everyone read a newly published article on Fox News, where Judge Andrew Napolitano asks the question, What if?  Basically, he asks, what if the government is wrong?  What if they are wrong in so many ways?  What he doesn’t ask is, what if the media is wrong?  What if the media is wrong using COVID-19 to help the government create an environment of fear?  What if the media is wrong when they only report negative views?  What if social media is wrong when they censor views not consistent with their narrative?  What if the media is aiding,

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