by  jcribbs   

Over the past three weeks, 36 of the 50 States have begun to loosen their lockdown edicts.  Three States never went into lockdown, so there are 39 States with relaxed restrictions.  This coming weekend an additional 9 States will ease restrictions bringing to 48 the number with eased or no restrictions.  Yesterday the Senate Health Committee held hearings to hear the advice of health experts on the pros and cons of re-opening America.  The media and the experts would have us believe we will face dire consequences if the re-opening proceeds.  The cited two forecasting models, from over the

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by  jcribbs   

One of the few who has asked the question, "Does America Still Have a Constitution?" has been Judge Andrew Napolitano.  Throughout the current crisis he has been outspoken consistently challenging the authority of government to restrict our liberties.  I have not always agreed with his position on a number of issues but on this one I fully concur.  Please read his article and make your own detrmination.

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by  jcribbs   

From the very beginning of the Stay at Home, Shelter in Place, Lockdown Orders imposed by the various state governments and local authorities, they have been engaged in discriminatory practices.  Where is the ACLU when you need them?  Governments determination of essential businesses and workers seems to be totally arbitrary.  Why is the auto mechanic essential and my barber not?  I need a haircut as badly as my car needs an oil change and more frequently.  Why is the grocery store clerk essential and the clothing store clerk not?  Why can I go to Costco or Sam’s Club and

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by  jcribbs   

The Governor of the State of Florida announced over the weekend the Re-Opening of the state under a phased plan.  In mid-April he empaneled a Task Force to come up with a plan for the re-opening.  Early last week they issued to him the report which was then published on the Governor's web page.  Over the week end the Governor issued a new Executive Order, 20-112, allowing businesses to begin re-opening.  The problem is the EO does not align with the Task Force Report and nowhere is it clear how or what portion of the  Task Force Guidelines must

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by  jcribbs   

Even as many states attempt to reopen for business, government overreach is still the norm.  Here in the State of Florida, the Governors Executive Order closing business and requiring workers of non-essential businesses to remain at home, expired on Thursday, April 30, 2020.  My ex-wife owns a Waxing Salon and after zero income from the business for the month of April she was anxious to reopen.  Her clients were also anxious to take advantage of the services offered.  In her line of business, client health is always a concern.  She has developed protocols for ensuring minimal spread of infection,

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