​​​​Freedom, Liberty, Lockdown

by  jcribbs   

Each and every day there are more experts and scientists coming forward doubting the necessity and justification for the lockdown, panic, and fear that has held the United States in its grip since mid-March.  Each and every day more and more Americans are also questioning whether the prescribed remedy may not have been worse than the disease itself.  A quick look at the image above shows where protests have been held.  Luckily, there is some positive movement.  Today is the first day on which several states have opened up to allow more freedom of movement and commerce.  This coming

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by  jcribbs   

We are all familiar with the Statue of Liberty.  We understand she stands for freedom and hope.  Most can recall words attributed to the Statue.  "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teaming shore."  This is the invitation she sends out.  However this is not what the Statue truly represents.  Look at the feet of the Statue and you will see broken chains and shackles.  These represent the abolition of slavery, freedom from oppression, freedom to exercise our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of

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