May 23


What is Missing From COVID-19 Reporting

By jcribbs

May 23, 2020

COVID-19, Lockdown, Spike

As States around the country ease Lockdown and Stay at Home Restrictions, there is little reporting of what effect it is having on the statistics of new cases, new hospitalizations and new deaths.  One would think this would be of utmost importance but the media doesn't seem to care.  Instead they continue to push dire warnings of expected spikes in cases and deaths.  According to Conservative Peak, this has not been the case.  Georgia, one of the first states to begin reopening, has not reported any spike in new cases or deaths.  Colorado, another state which has opened quickly, has not reported a spike in new cases or deaths.  Texas has reported that their case, hospitalization and death rates remain stable.  Why doesn't the mainstream media report such things?  Why are they nor reporting, as the graph above indicates, the fact that daily deaths have been on the decline for more than a month?

While most states are easing restrictions, there is one notable hold out Michigan.  Michigan's Governor Gretchen Whitmer just extended the states Stay at Home Mandate.  All amidst clamor and outcry from Michigan's Citizenry.

In a typical reversal for Dr. Anthony Fauci he is now claiming Lockdown is causing irreparable damage.  Based on past reversals one is left to wonder why anyone would listen to this pseudo expert.  What is this guys game or agenda.  Does he truly believe what he said or does he want more opening all the while expecting to once more become the stand in leader he has been for the last few months.

It is clear the Lockdowns have severely damaged the economy with nearly 39 million workers now on unemployment, businesses shutting down and going into bankruptcy left and right, for lease sign going up in strip malls across the country where once there were thriving businesses.  And this does not even address the effect the Lockdowns have had on individuals.  An entire generation of elementary, mid-school and high school students who will likely be moved up a grade without ever having fully completed grade requirements.  Now they will struggle to catch up for lack of a good understanding of the basic principles of courses they were taking.

Then there are the mental health issues many are now struggling with, panic, depression, anxiety.  All leading to suicidal thoughts, drug addiction, spousal and child abuse.  The increased numbers of homeless and forgotten individuals no longer able to support themselves.

Where is mainstream media talking about these things?  Why are they not talking about these things?  Why do they and a multitude of politicians continue to stoke the fires of fear?

In a recent monologue, Fox New Tucker Carlson, indicates he believes in a few years no one will remember how the government overstepped its bounds and brought the US Economy to its knees.  No one will remember the unconstitutional actions of Governors.  Not because they will turnout to have been the right thing but because social media and mainstream media will suppress any information that would highlight their pervasive misleading, misinformation, lack of information campaign from the records.  Remember, in any war, the victor gets to write the history of the war.


About the author

I enjoy writing for the internet. I have varied interests but my main interest is current affairs. I like to delve into the backstories and look at the data and the facts. I find it extremely disconcerting when people take news stories at face value without exercising critical thinking to determine if what is being said makes sense or if their are alternative views to be considered. I chose to develop this web site because I found the damage to America getting out of control as politicians and the media preyed upon the fear they had created in the public's mind.