Why Continue the Lockdown?
Over the past three weeks, 36 of the 50 States have begun to loosen their lockdown edicts. Three States never went into lockdown, so there are 39 States with relaxed restrictions. This coming weekend an additional 9 States will ease restrictions bringing to 48 the number with eased or no restrictions. Yesterday the Senate Health Committee held hearings to hear the advice of health experts on the pros and cons of re-opening America. The media and the experts would have us believe we will face dire consequences if the re-opening proceeds. The cited two forecasting models, from over the weekend, that show an overall increase in cases and deaths. The John Hopkins Model and the IHME Model. Both increased their death forecasts over the weekend citing the re-opening as the cause for the increase. But Why?
The above chart, courtesy of ourworldindata.org, shows deaths in the hardest hit countries in the world have been on the decline for some time. In the USA it clearly indicates daily deaths have been on the decline since April 21st. The State of Georgia was considered to be hard hit but was the first state to begin re-opening 3 weeks ago. This weekend they announced that last week they had fewer new cases and fewer new deaths for the week than since the beginning of the lockdown. I have seen no news stating other states re-opening are experiencing dramatic increases in cases or deaths. So where is the science behind these models? If they are based on conjecture and the modelers feeling/assumption cases and deaths will increase as social distancing diminishes rather than on the data, it is not science. This seems to have been a problem with the models and the expressed advice of experts, from Dr. Fauci down, from the very beginning.
Initial models indicated deaths in the millions, Dr. Fauci said the United States had nothing to worry about, then he said we did not need to wear masks, all before he said we should never go back to shaking hands. In yesterday's hearing, he again was negative for the most part.
Why all of the confusion? And why are these experts and the media so intent on keeping the US in a state of fear? As they have seen their control on the public begin to wane, they have begun to introduce new tactics. This week they announced young children may be affected in ways not previously recognized as 3 children died. Thereby preying on the hearts and emotions of parents. The media uses these new models to predict widespread infection will be forthcoming, preying on the minds of those already scared to death. The truth is far from what they are saying. You only have to listen to the lead into yesterday's hearing to find numbers do not support these views.
The time to End America's Lockdown is now. The economic and human toll is far greater under the panic-pandemonium thrust upon us by the politicians, experts, and the media, than the virus itself.